Проблемы транспортной инфраструктуры Одессы и проекты их решения
В статье рассматриваются основные проблемы транспортной инфраструктуры Одессы, причины их возникновения и следствия. Основными являются: недостаточное количество дорожных объектов для связи центральной части города с микрорайонами, нехватка магистралей, отсутствие системы внеуличного транспорта (в том числе обеспечивающего морские прибрежные сообщения), отсутствие четкого назначения велодорожек, проблемы парковки и т.д. Рассматриваются цели проектов, направленные на улучшение сложившейся ситуации.
Как цитировать
Лапкин, А. (2020). Проблемы транспортной инфраструктуры Одессы и проекты их решения. Весник Одеского национального морского университета, (60), 109-123. https://doi.org/10.33082/2226-1893-2019-3-109-123
Технология и организация грузоперевозок
1. City population, UN. URL: http://data.un.org/ (date of reference: 24.09.2019).
2. Statistical Data. The World Bank Group. URL: https://www. worldbank.org/ (date of reference: 24.09.2019).
3. Rost Kolichestva Avtomobiley. AutoConsulting. Infirmatsionno Analiticheskaya Gruppa. URL: http://www.autoconsulting.com.ua (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
4. Lapkin О.О. (2019) Logistichniy aspect proektu transnatsio-nal’noi dostavki avtomobiliv (The logistic aspect of the trans-national car delivery project / Proektiy ta logistichniy menedzh-ment: novi znannya na bazi dvoh metodologiy (Project and logis-tics management: new knowledge based on two methodologies) // [І.О. Lapkina, V.О. Аndrievskaja, V.U. Smrkovskaja and oth.]. Vol. 2. Monograph. Odesa: KUPRIENKO SV. 170-178 [in Ukrai-nian]. DOI: 10.21893/2616-8936.2019-02.
5. Petuhov V.S. (1970) Organizaciya morskih passazhirskih perevo-zok v mestnom soobschenii (Organization of maritime passenger transportation in local communication). M: Transport. 152 [in Russian].
6. Basevich V.V. (1972) Organizaciya morskih passazhirskih perevo-zok (Organization of maritime passenger transportation). M: Transport. 208 [in Russian].
7. Shibaev A.G. (2013) Passazhirskije perevozki (Passenger trans-portation) / А.G. Shibaev, G.N. Sil’vanskaja, I.М. Petrov. Оdessa: Feniks. 336 [in Russian].
8. V Odesse okolo puteprovoda «Poeznoi» vvodjat odnostoronnee dvizhenie (In Odessa near the overpass « Poeznoi» one-way traffic was presented). URL: https://traffic.od.ua/news/dorogi/1197001 (date of reference: 21.11.2019) [in Russian].
9. URL: https://omr.gov.ua/ua/city/offices/ (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Ukrainian].
10. Genplan Odesy (The General Plan of Odesa). URL: http://old. omr.gov.ua/images/File/DODATKI_2015/Arhitektura/Gen_plan_osn.zip (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Ukrainian].
11. Vel’mozhko A., Larin N. Starije Genplani Odessy. (Old General Plans of Odessa) URL: https://dumskaya.net/news/starye-genplany-kak-hrust-francuzskoj-bulki-ne-s-027475/ (date of refe-rence: 27.11.2019) [in Russian].
12. AMPU predlagaet novje reshenie problem proezda gruzovikov v Odesskij port (AMPU offers a new solution to the problem of truck routs to the Odessa port). URL: http://ports.com.ua/news/ampu-predlagaet-novoe-reshenie-problemy-proezda-avtotransporta-v-odesskiy-port (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
13. Vel’mozhko A.. Odessa: Arkadija i Fontan s visoti kvadrokoptera (Odessa: Arcady and Fontan from the height of quadcopter). URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=33&v=y0wgzqaP9ZM (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
14. Dos’je dlja UNESCO (Dossier for UNESCO ). URL: https://ru.es-preso.tv/news/2018/12/15/yunesko_poluchyt_quotdosequot_na_odessu (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
15. Tramvaj «Sever-Ug» (The tram «North-South»). URL: https:// traf-fic.od.ua/news/eltransua/1213202 (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
16. Morskoj tramvaj. Novaja zhizn’ (Sea tram. The new life). URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ds7T17NxriU (date of refe-rence: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
17. Мizhnarodnij Aeroport Odesa (Odesa International Airport). URL: http://www.odessa.aero/ (date of reference: 24.09.2019)
[in Ukrainian].
18. Promtovarnij rinok «7km» (The Industrial market «7km»). URL: http://www.7km.net/ (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
2. Statistical Data. The World Bank Group. URL: https://www. worldbank.org/ (date of reference: 24.09.2019).
3. Rost Kolichestva Avtomobiley. AutoConsulting. Infirmatsionno Analiticheskaya Gruppa. URL: http://www.autoconsulting.com.ua (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
4. Lapkin О.О. (2019) Logistichniy aspect proektu transnatsio-nal’noi dostavki avtomobiliv (The logistic aspect of the trans-national car delivery project / Proektiy ta logistichniy menedzh-ment: novi znannya na bazi dvoh metodologiy (Project and logis-tics management: new knowledge based on two methodologies) // [І.О. Lapkina, V.О. Аndrievskaja, V.U. Smrkovskaja and oth.]. Vol. 2. Monograph. Odesa: KUPRIENKO SV. 170-178 [in Ukrai-nian]. DOI: 10.21893/2616-8936.2019-02.
5. Petuhov V.S. (1970) Organizaciya morskih passazhirskih perevo-zok v mestnom soobschenii (Organization of maritime passenger transportation in local communication). M: Transport. 152 [in Russian].
6. Basevich V.V. (1972) Organizaciya morskih passazhirskih perevo-zok (Organization of maritime passenger transportation). M: Transport. 208 [in Russian].
7. Shibaev A.G. (2013) Passazhirskije perevozki (Passenger trans-portation) / А.G. Shibaev, G.N. Sil’vanskaja, I.М. Petrov. Оdessa: Feniks. 336 [in Russian].
8. V Odesse okolo puteprovoda «Poeznoi» vvodjat odnostoronnee dvizhenie (In Odessa near the overpass « Poeznoi» one-way traffic was presented). URL: https://traffic.od.ua/news/dorogi/1197001 (date of reference: 21.11.2019) [in Russian].
9. URL: https://omr.gov.ua/ua/city/offices/ (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Ukrainian].
10. Genplan Odesy (The General Plan of Odesa). URL: http://old. omr.gov.ua/images/File/DODATKI_2015/Arhitektura/Gen_plan_osn.zip (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Ukrainian].
11. Vel’mozhko A., Larin N. Starije Genplani Odessy. (Old General Plans of Odessa) URL: https://dumskaya.net/news/starye-genplany-kak-hrust-francuzskoj-bulki-ne-s-027475/ (date of refe-rence: 27.11.2019) [in Russian].
12. AMPU predlagaet novje reshenie problem proezda gruzovikov v Odesskij port (AMPU offers a new solution to the problem of truck routs to the Odessa port). URL: http://ports.com.ua/news/ampu-predlagaet-novoe-reshenie-problemy-proezda-avtotransporta-v-odesskiy-port (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
13. Vel’mozhko A.. Odessa: Arkadija i Fontan s visoti kvadrokoptera (Odessa: Arcady and Fontan from the height of quadcopter). URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=33&v=y0wgzqaP9ZM (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
14. Dos’je dlja UNESCO (Dossier for UNESCO ). URL: https://ru.es-preso.tv/news/2018/12/15/yunesko_poluchyt_quotdosequot_na_odessu (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
15. Tramvaj «Sever-Ug» (The tram «North-South»). URL: https:// traf-fic.od.ua/news/eltransua/1213202 (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
16. Morskoj tramvaj. Novaja zhizn’ (Sea tram. The new life). URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ds7T17NxriU (date of refe-rence: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].
17. Мizhnarodnij Aeroport Odesa (Odesa International Airport). URL: http://www.odessa.aero/ (date of reference: 24.09.2019)
[in Ukrainian].
18. Promtovarnij rinok «7km» (The Industrial market «7km»). URL: http://www.7km.net/ (date of reference: 24.09.2019) [in Russian].