Transport infrastructure problems of Odessa and projects for their solution
Main Article Content
The article deals with the main transport infrastructure problems in the city of Odessa, the reasons for their occurrence and the consequences, considering the historical influence and the city's role in the state development. The main problems are: insufficient number of road facilities for communication between the Central Business District and peripheral microdistricts; parking problems; lacks of highways, off-street transport units, clear bicycle roads assignment and modern transport connections between the Central Business District, the International Odessa Airport and the Industrial Goods Market. The objectives of projects aimed at improving the situation are being considered. The main goals of them are: increasing the number of rational transport overpasses, highways, bridges, communication hubs; adequate legislative actions to enact laws and enforce liability for violations of traffic rules, as well as mechanisms for their implementation by local interior affairs authorities; bicycle roads extending and off-street transport growth. Due to the Odessa Bay geographical location, the restoration of the suburban marine passenger traffic routes will make sense. The city and the region further economical prosperity depends on the road quality, their traffic capacity, urban and tourists public transport convenience and comfort.
Article Details
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