Substantiation of parameters of 6000 DWT shallow-draught non-self-propelled oil tankers for the river Belaya
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Concept of non-self-propelled oil barge of «Belmax» type of ROB20 project is grounded. Way conditions of the river Belaya are analyzed. Main characteristics are defined; hull’s structure of barge with account of requirements of MARPOL is developed. Overall dimensions (length x breadth x depth) of 118 m x 22,6 m x 3,0 m were obtained, which made possible to provide 4575 tons cargo capacity with 2,20 m draught, 3544 tons with 1,80 m draught, and 6000 tons with maximum draught of 2,75 m. Comparative analysis of developed concept with barges-analogues is executed. Old «Belskaya» type barges of R-27 project with river class «R» (or not full class «O 1,5») in original single-hull version with 1,80 m draught take 2960 tons of cargo onboard and with maximum draught of 2,60 m – 4590 tons. Characteristics of ROB20 barge – 6000 tons of cargo (at 2,75 m draught) with 880 tons lightweight allow to rank the project to unique.
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