Substantiation of parameters of 6000 DWT shallow-draught non-self-propelled oil tankers for the river Belaya

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G. Yegorov
I. llnytskyi
A. Egorov


Concept of non-self-propelled oil barge of «Belmax» type of ROB20 project is grounded. Way conditions of the river Belaya are analyzed. Main characteristics are defined; hull’s structure of barge with account of requirements of MARPOL is developed. Overall dimensions (length x breadth x depth) of 118 m x 22,6 m x 3,0 m were obtained, which made possible to provide 4575 tons cargo capacity with 2,20 m draught, 3544 tons with 1,80 m draught, and 6000 tons with maximum draught of 2,75 m. Comparative analysis of developed concept with barges-analogues is executed. Old «Belskaya» type barges of R-27 project with river class «R» (or not full class «O 1,5») in original single-hull version with 1,80 m draught take 2960 tons of cargo onboard and with maximum draught of 2,60 m – 4590 tons. Characteristics of ROB20 barge – 6000 tons of cargo (at 2,75 m draught) with 880 tons lightweight allow to rank the project to unique.

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How to Cite
Yegorov, G., llnytskyi, I., & Egorov, A. (2020). Substantiation of parameters of 6000 DWT shallow-draught non-self-propelled oil tankers for the river Belaya. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (62), 29-44.
Theory and ship design
Author Biographies

G. Yegorov, Maritime Engineering Bureau, Odessa

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, General Director

I. llnytskyi, Maritime Engineering Bureau, Odessa

First Deputy General Director, Chief Designer

A. Egorov, Maritime Engineering Bureau, Odessa

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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