Оптимальне управління судновим дизелем при нестаціонарних режимах
На основі дослідження управління топливної системи суднових дизелів на нестаціонарних режимах вирішена задача оптимізації витрат палива в умовах динаміки суднового комплексу та стану водневої поверхні. Задача розвязувалась з використанням моделі поведінки суднового двигуна на нестаціонарних режимах, в якій відображені тех-нічні характеристики двигуна,приводу, нестаціонарності водного середовища оптимальним керуванням паливної системи, яке забезпечує мінімальні витрати топлива на середній швидкості.
Як цитувати
Усов, А., Половинка, Е., & Слободянюк, М. (2020). Оптимальне управління судновим дизелем при нестаціонарних режимах. Вісник Одеського національного морського університету, (61), 131-139. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2020-1-131-139
Технічні проблеми експлуатації суднового обладнання
1. Lepeshkin, D.I. (2013) Experimental studies on the oscillography of processes in diesel fuel equipment, Omsk Scientific Bulletin, 3 (123), 150-153. [in Russian].
2. Smirnov, A.M. (2014) Diagnostic method for diesel fuel high pressure equipment, Omsk Scientific Bulletin, 3 (133), 133-136. [in Russian].
3. Saenko, M.M. (2013) The influence of various factors on the size and uniformity of fuel supply to the diesel cylinders, Bulletin of SibADI, 4 (32), 29-35. [in Russian].
4. Saenko, M.M. (2014) The influence of the design of the devices of the diesel fuel system on the amount of fuel supply, Vestnik SibADI, 6 (40), 49-55. [in Russian]
5. Saenko, M.M. (2015) Analysis of existing test methods for devices of diesel fuel systems during maintenance during operation, Bulletin of SibADI, 2 (42), 40-46. [in Russian].
6. Potomarev, M.N. (2003) Transients in high pressure lines of diesel fuel equipment, Bulletin of the ore, ser. Engineering Research, 1, 39-42. [in Russian].
7. Matveev, V.Yu. (2016) Features of diagnosing diesel engine fuel equipment, Agrotechnics and energy supply, 1 (10), 11-20. [in Russian].
8. Zakharov, Yu.A. (2015) The relevance of diagnostics, testing and verification of nozzles of diesel engines of mobile machines, Modern scientific research and innovation, 3 (2), 156-160. [in Russian].
9. Astakhov, I.V. (1990) Fuel systems and diesel efficiency, Engineering, 288. [in Russian].
10. Chvanov, K.G. (2016) Modern approaches to assessing the technical condition of diesel fuel equipment, Network scientific and practical publication «Risk Management in the AIC», 7, 13-19. [in Russian].
11. Half, E.M. (2018) Influence of initial conditions on the fuel supply process of a medium-speed marine diesel engine under variable conditions, N. American Scientific Journal, 19, 51-59. [in English].
12. Half, E.M. (2019) Dynamic tests of the fuel supply system of a marine medium-speed diesel engine, N. Magazine «Molody Vcheniy», 5, 19-24. [in Russian].
13. Nebesnov, V.I. (1963) About electrical modeling of modes of joint operation of the hull, propellers and engines, Journal «Ship repair and shipbuilding», 2, 37-44. [in Russian].
14. Bellman, R. (1965) Applied problems of dynamic programming, Nauka, 320. [in Russian].
15. Moiseev, N.N. (1985) Numerical methods of dynamic programming, Nauka, 360. [in Russian].
2. Smirnov, A.M. (2014) Diagnostic method for diesel fuel high pressure equipment, Omsk Scientific Bulletin, 3 (133), 133-136. [in Russian].
3. Saenko, M.M. (2013) The influence of various factors on the size and uniformity of fuel supply to the diesel cylinders, Bulletin of SibADI, 4 (32), 29-35. [in Russian].
4. Saenko, M.M. (2014) The influence of the design of the devices of the diesel fuel system on the amount of fuel supply, Vestnik SibADI, 6 (40), 49-55. [in Russian]
5. Saenko, M.M. (2015) Analysis of existing test methods for devices of diesel fuel systems during maintenance during operation, Bulletin of SibADI, 2 (42), 40-46. [in Russian].
6. Potomarev, M.N. (2003) Transients in high pressure lines of diesel fuel equipment, Bulletin of the ore, ser. Engineering Research, 1, 39-42. [in Russian].
7. Matveev, V.Yu. (2016) Features of diagnosing diesel engine fuel equipment, Agrotechnics and energy supply, 1 (10), 11-20. [in Russian].
8. Zakharov, Yu.A. (2015) The relevance of diagnostics, testing and verification of nozzles of diesel engines of mobile machines, Modern scientific research and innovation, 3 (2), 156-160. [in Russian].
9. Astakhov, I.V. (1990) Fuel systems and diesel efficiency, Engineering, 288. [in Russian].
10. Chvanov, K.G. (2016) Modern approaches to assessing the technical condition of diesel fuel equipment, Network scientific and practical publication «Risk Management in the AIC», 7, 13-19. [in Russian].
11. Half, E.M. (2018) Influence of initial conditions on the fuel supply process of a medium-speed marine diesel engine under variable conditions, N. American Scientific Journal, 19, 51-59. [in English].
12. Half, E.M. (2019) Dynamic tests of the fuel supply system of a marine medium-speed diesel engine, N. Magazine «Molody Vcheniy», 5, 19-24. [in Russian].
13. Nebesnov, V.I. (1963) About electrical modeling of modes of joint operation of the hull, propellers and engines, Journal «Ship repair and shipbuilding», 2, 37-44. [in Russian].
14. Bellman, R. (1965) Applied problems of dynamic programming, Nauka, 320. [in Russian].
15. Moiseev, N.N. (1985) Numerical methods of dynamic programming, Nauka, 360. [in Russian].