Разработка имитационной модели создаваемой ценности на цепи Маркова для форсайт методологии
Исследование опирается на гипотезу, что жизненный цикл преимуществ проектов может быть отображен с помощью цепей Маркова. Под состояниями цепей Маркова понимаются харак-терные этапы жизненного цикла преимуществ проекта. Полученные результаты не противоречат принятой гипотезе. Показано, что транс-формация жизненного цикла преимуществ проектов в цепь Маркова является эффективным способом для феноменологического отражения проектной структуры, основанной на цикле преимуществ проектов. Доказано, что применение цепей Маркова является приемлемым для отображения жизненного цикла преимуществ проектов. Результаты исследованиямогут служить основой для создания моделей Форсайт-проектов.
Как цитировать
Чернова, Л. С., Лукьянов, Д., Гогунский, В., & Чернова, Л. С. (2020). Разработка имитационной модели создаваемой ценности на цепи Маркова для форсайт методологии. Весник Одеского национального морского университета, (60), 171-189. https://doi.org/10.33082/2226-1893-2019-3-171-189
Управление проектами и программами
1. Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S., Kuzka, O., Shabala, Ye., Lyashchenko, T. A method for the iden-tification of scientists' research areas based on a cluster analysis of scientific publications // Eastern–European Journal of Enter-prise Technologies. 2017, № 5/2 (89). С. 4-10. DOI: 10.15587/ 1729-4061. 2017.112323.
2. Drozd, J., Drozd, A. Models, methods and means as resources for sol-ving challenges in co-design and testing of computer systems and their components // International Conference on Digital Tech-nologies. 2013. С. 176-180. DOI: 10.1109/DT.2013.6566307.
3. Durand, G., Belacel, N., La Plante, F. Graph theory based model for learning path recommendation. Information Sciences. 2013, № 251. С. 10-21. DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2013.04.017.
4. Qureshi, S.M., Kang, C. Analysing the organizational factors of project complexity using structural equation modelling. Interna-tional Journal of Project Management. 2015, № 33 (1).С. 165-176. DOI: 10. 1016/ j.ijproman.2014.04.006.
5. Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) 4th Edition. 2011. 301 с. URL: https://www.itgovernance.co.uk/shop/product/ managing-successful-programmes-2011-edition
6. Lukianov, D., Bespanskaya-Paulenka, K., Gogunskii, V., Kolesnikov, O., Moskaliuk, A., Dmitrenko, K.. Development of the markov model of a project as a system of role communications in a team. Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017, 3/3 (87). С. 21-28. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017. 103231.
7. Carboni Joel B. Standard for Sustainable Development in Project Management GPM P5™ GPM Global. Version 2.0. 2019.
8. Demin, D. Perfection of approaches to the construction of the training process of athletes, considered in the framework of the implementation of the processes of non-formal education // Journal «ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education». 2017, №9(17). С. 28-46. DOI: 10.15587/ 2519-4984.2017.111110.
9. Verkhivker, G., Kravchenko, V. The use of chemical recuperation of heat in a power plant // Energy. 2004, № 29(3). С. 379-388. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2003.10.010.
10. Developing a system for the initiation of projects using a Markov chain / Viktor Gogunskii, Аndrew Bochkovskii, Andrii Moskaliuk, Olexii Kolesnikov, Serhii Babiuk // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017. № 1/3 (85). С. 25-32. DOI: 10.15587/ 1729-4061.2017.90971.
11. «Lifelong learning» is a new paradigm of personnel training in enterprises / V. Gogunskii, A. Kolesnіkov, K. Kolesnіkova, D. Lukianov // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technolo-gies. 2016. № 4/2 (82). С. 4-10. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.74905.
12. Development of the model of interaction among the project, team of project and project environment in project system / O. Kolesnіkov, V. Gogunskii, K. Kolesnikova, D. Lukianov, T. Olekh // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2016. № 5/9(83). С. 20-26.
13. Representation of project systems using the markov chain / V. Gogunskii, O. Kolesnikov, G. Oborska, A. Moskaliuk, K. Kolesnikova, S. Harelik, D. Lukianov // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2017. № 2/3 (86). С.60-65.
14. Chernov, S. Constructing the system of decision-making support while creating the strategy of the high-technology enterprise development [Text] / S. Chernov, L. Chernova // Computer Sci-ences and Information Technologies (CSIT), IEEE 2017. P. 7-10.
15. Bourne, L. Stakeholder Relationship Management: A Maturity Model for Organisational Implementation [Text] / Lynda Bourne. Gower Publishing Limited. Farnham, UK. 2009. 215 p.
16. Chernova, L. Peculiarities of the methodologies for managing projects and proqrammes to ensure the innovation process [Text] / L. Chernova // The scientific periodical «Systems of control, navi-gation and communication» Vol.5 (51). Poltava, 2018. P.121-127.
17. Carboni, J., Young, M., Milsom, P.& Gonzalez, M. The GPM® Global P5TM Standard for Sustainability in Project Management. Ver. 1.5. GPM Global. 2016. 43 с. URL: https://www.greenpro-jectmanage-ment.org/the-p5-standard
18. Rehacek, I.P. Application and usage of the standards for project management and their comparison // Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2017, № 12 (4). С. 994-1002. DOI: 10.3923/ jeasci. 2017.994.1002.
19. Biloshchytskyi A., Myronov O., Reznik R., Kuchansky A., Andrashko Yu., Paliy S., Biloshchytska S. A method to evaluate the sci-entific activity quality of HEIs based on a scientometric subjects presentation model // Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017, № 6/2 (90). С. 16-22. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.118377.
2. Drozd, J., Drozd, A. Models, methods and means as resources for sol-ving challenges in co-design and testing of computer systems and their components // International Conference on Digital Tech-nologies. 2013. С. 176-180. DOI: 10.1109/DT.2013.6566307.
3. Durand, G., Belacel, N., La Plante, F. Graph theory based model for learning path recommendation. Information Sciences. 2013, № 251. С. 10-21. DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2013.04.017.
4. Qureshi, S.M., Kang, C. Analysing the organizational factors of project complexity using structural equation modelling. Interna-tional Journal of Project Management. 2015, № 33 (1).С. 165-176. DOI: 10. 1016/ j.ijproman.2014.04.006.
5. Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) 4th Edition. 2011. 301 с. URL: https://www.itgovernance.co.uk/shop/product/ managing-successful-programmes-2011-edition
6. Lukianov, D., Bespanskaya-Paulenka, K., Gogunskii, V., Kolesnikov, O., Moskaliuk, A., Dmitrenko, K.. Development of the markov model of a project as a system of role communications in a team. Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017, 3/3 (87). С. 21-28. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017. 103231.
7. Carboni Joel B. Standard for Sustainable Development in Project Management GPM P5™ GPM Global. Version 2.0. 2019.
8. Demin, D. Perfection of approaches to the construction of the training process of athletes, considered in the framework of the implementation of the processes of non-formal education // Journal «ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education». 2017, №9(17). С. 28-46. DOI: 10.15587/ 2519-4984.2017.111110.
9. Verkhivker, G., Kravchenko, V. The use of chemical recuperation of heat in a power plant // Energy. 2004, № 29(3). С. 379-388. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2003.10.010.
10. Developing a system for the initiation of projects using a Markov chain / Viktor Gogunskii, Аndrew Bochkovskii, Andrii Moskaliuk, Olexii Kolesnikov, Serhii Babiuk // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017. № 1/3 (85). С. 25-32. DOI: 10.15587/ 1729-4061.2017.90971.
11. «Lifelong learning» is a new paradigm of personnel training in enterprises / V. Gogunskii, A. Kolesnіkov, K. Kolesnіkova, D. Lukianov // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technolo-gies. 2016. № 4/2 (82). С. 4-10. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.74905.
12. Development of the model of interaction among the project, team of project and project environment in project system / O. Kolesnіkov, V. Gogunskii, K. Kolesnikova, D. Lukianov, T. Olekh // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2016. № 5/9(83). С. 20-26.
13. Representation of project systems using the markov chain / V. Gogunskii, O. Kolesnikov, G. Oborska, A. Moskaliuk, K. Kolesnikova, S. Harelik, D. Lukianov // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2017. № 2/3 (86). С.60-65.
14. Chernov, S. Constructing the system of decision-making support while creating the strategy of the high-technology enterprise development [Text] / S. Chernov, L. Chernova // Computer Sci-ences and Information Technologies (CSIT), IEEE 2017. P. 7-10.
15. Bourne, L. Stakeholder Relationship Management: A Maturity Model for Organisational Implementation [Text] / Lynda Bourne. Gower Publishing Limited. Farnham, UK. 2009. 215 p.
16. Chernova, L. Peculiarities of the methodologies for managing projects and proqrammes to ensure the innovation process [Text] / L. Chernova // The scientific periodical «Systems of control, navi-gation and communication» Vol.5 (51). Poltava, 2018. P.121-127.
17. Carboni, J., Young, M., Milsom, P.& Gonzalez, M. The GPM® Global P5TM Standard for Sustainability in Project Management. Ver. 1.5. GPM Global. 2016. 43 с. URL: https://www.greenpro-jectmanage-ment.org/the-p5-standard
18. Rehacek, I.P. Application and usage of the standards for project management and their comparison // Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2017, № 12 (4). С. 994-1002. DOI: 10.3923/ jeasci. 2017.994.1002.
19. Biloshchytskyi A., Myronov O., Reznik R., Kuchansky A., Andrashko Yu., Paliy S., Biloshchytska S. A method to evaluate the sci-entific activity quality of HEIs based on a scientometric subjects presentation model // Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017, № 6/2 (90). С. 16-22. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.118377.