Development of imitation model of the created value on chain of Markov for foresight methodology

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Ld. S. Chernova
D.V. Lukianov
V.D. Gogunskii
Lb. Chernova


The study is based on the hypothesis that the life cycle of project benefits can be reflected by Markov chains. The states of Markov chains are understood as the characteristic stages of the life cycle of a project's benefits.  The results obtained do not contradict the accepted hypothesis. It has been shown that the transformation of the life cycle of project benefits into a Markov chain is an effective way to phenomenologically reflect a project structure based on the project benefits cycle. It has been proven that the use of Markov chains is acceptable to reflect the life cycle of project benefits. The results of the study can serve as a basis for creating models of Forsyth projects.

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How to Cite
Chernova, L. S., Lukianov, D., Gogunskii, V., & Chernova, L. (2020). Development of imitation model of the created value on chain of Markov for foresight methodology. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (60), 171-189.
Project and program management
Author Biographies

Ld. S. Chernova, National University of Shipbuilding them. Admiral Makarov

Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Information Management Systems and Technologies

D.V. Lukianov, Belarusian State University

PhD, Associate Professor Department of General and Clinical Psychology

V.D. Gogunskii, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of Systems Management Life Safety

Lb. Chernova, National University of Shipbuilding them. Admiral Makarov

Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Computer-aided Systems Softare Support


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