Syncretic management of innovative projects in the age of ai explosion


S.D. Bushuyev
A.V. Ivko


As the technological landscape rapidly evolves, the convergence of innovation and artificial intelligence (AI) presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges for project management. This paper introduces a comprehensive mathematical model for the syncretic management of innovative projects in the age of the AI explosion. Syncretism in this context refers to the seamless integration of diverse elements, including interdisciplinary collaboration, AI technologies, and adaptive methodologies, to optimize project outcomes. The proposed model encompasses various facets of project management, innovation, and AI integration. It delineates stages of project lifecycle management, emphasizing resource allocation, risk assessment, and adaptive strategies. In the innovation management domain, the model incorporates methodologies for idea generation, technology scouting, and open innovation, recognizing AI's role in shaping the innovative landscape. A crucial aspect of the model lies in the integration of AI technologies throughout the project. This includes identifying relevant use cases, managing data effectively, selecting appropriate AI models, and establishing decision support systems. The syncretic approach emphasizes cross-functional collaboration, fostering an environment where different disciplines seamlessly contribute to project success. Resource optimization is a key focus, leveraging AI to allocate resources efficiently, predict maintenance needs, and enhance overall project performance. Ethical and legal considerations are embedded within the model to ensure responsible AI usage, and the paper outlines mechanisms for ongoing training and development to equip teams with the necessary skills. The model's effectiveness is evaluated through the lens of monitoring and evaluation, with defined key performance indicators, continuous monitoring, and feedback loops for iterative improvements. Communication and collaboration are underscored, utilizing modern tools to facilitate stakeholder engagement and effective teamwork. This paper contributes to the evolving discourse on project management by providing a robust framework that adapts to the dynamic nature of AI and innovation. It serves as a guide for project managers, interdisciplinary teams, and decision-makers navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the syncretic management of innovative projects in the era of the AI explosion.


Как цитировать
Bushuyev, S., & Ivko, A. (2024). Syncretic management of innovative projects in the age of ai explosion. Весник Одеского национального морского университета, (72), 117-130.
Управление проектами и программами
Биографии авторов

S.D. Bushuyev, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Head of the Department of Project Management 

A.V. Ivko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD (Engineering), Doctoral Student at the Department of Project Management


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