Evaluation of the random error of the methods of accelerated determination of the endurance limit


A. Konoplev
O. Kibakov
O. Kononova
L. Dukre
V. Vovk


The article considers a task related to the general approach to determining the random error in determining the endurance limit by accelerated methods. Based on the conducted analysis, it was shown that in the calculation of the accuracy of accelerated methods for determining the endurance limit, it is necessary to separately determine the systematic and random components of the total error. It was also proposed to determine the random error of accelerated methods for determining the endurance limit using a general statistical approach. At the same time, it is proposed to find the accuracy of the assessment of the endurance limit itself, depending on the specific test scheme of one or another accelerated method.


Как цитировать
Konoplev, A., Kibakov, O., Kononova, O., Dukre, L., & Vovk, V. (2022). Evaluation of the random error of the methods of accelerated determination of the endurance limit. Весник Одеского национального морского университета, (67), 53-61. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2022-1-53-61
Проектирование и прочность деталей машин
Биографии авторов

A. Konoplev, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, head of the department «Machine Science»

O. Kibakov, Odessa National Maritime University

Candidate of technical sciences, Professor, head of the department «Hoisting and transport machines and engineering of port technological equipment»

O. Kononova, Odessa National Maritime University

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Machine Science»

L. Dukre, Odessa National Maritime University

Senior lecturer, department of the department «Machine Science»

V. Vovk, National University «Odessa Polytechnic»

Senior lecturer, department of dynamics, machines strength and material resistance


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