Instruction for authors
The Bulletin of ONMU is focused on specialists who study the scientific problems of water transport, as well as industries related to water transport.
The article must satisfy the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine for the publication of articles in periodical scientific publications.
The article should correspond to the thematic direction of the collection.
The editorial board accepts only scientific articles that contain the following elements:
- formulation of the problem;
- A review of recent research and publications on this issue;
- formulation of the research task;
- presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results obtained;
- conclusions from this study;
- list of sources used.
The material must be stated concisely, sequentially, stylistically correctly. Terms and designations must comply with current standards. Repetitions, unnecessary details when retelling previously published information are not allowed - instead, links to literary sources are provided. Units of measure - in accordance with the international system of SI units or in units approved for use in Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of current state standards.
The recommended article size is at least 6 and no more than 15 pages.
Materials provided to the editors:
- A hard copy of the article, signed by all authors;
- An electronic version of the article, designed in accordance with the requirements.
- Expert conclusion;
- Review of a specialist with a scientific degree according to the profile of the article (preferably a doctor of science), certified by a seal (external review);
- The recommendation of the relevant department, laboratory or scientific unit, recommending an article in print;
- An author's certificate, if the author submits the manuscript to the ONMU Publishing House for the first time, indicating the place of work, position, academic degrees and titles, addresses and phone numbers.
The decision to publish the article in the collection is made by the editorial board based on the conclusion of reviewers (external and internal) about its scientific and practical significance.
The rules of the article are presented as a template in Microsoft Word format.