Dynamics of protection of the residential area by acoustic barriers against the influence of transport flows of the port «Yyuzhny»
Main Article Content
The article highlights the noise losses in housing development areas, measures to ensure normalized noise level. The noise standards of vehicles depending on the distance to the residence zone, the calculation of the normalized noise level, and a method for reducing the noise level with the use of noise protection screens are presented. This paper describes a semi-empiric model and measurements of air-borne sound generated by breaking sea waves and transport phone. The noise protection device is designed to suppress noise in the upper local zone and can be used at stationary workplaces. Sound pressure level measurement is carried out in octave bands with Mid-band frequencies. For the purpose of experimental measurements, the investigated area is a three-dimensional grid of a certain size, which in the software package is modeled as a cylindrical area with several nesting levels. The color solution in the cells will depend on the accepted concept of evaluating the results: a) an assessment of the degree to which the actual sound pressure level exceeds the maximum permissible value, or b) an assessment of the distribution of sound pressure levels over the entire threedimensional field of study. The choice of grid size affects the number of nodes at which sound pressure levels at a certain frequency will be measured using instrumental methods. Measurements have been performed at the Black Sea. Shores with different slopes and sediment types have been investigated. Results showed that the sound pressure level increased from 60 dB to 78 dB at 2,0 m noise protection screens. A scaling model based on the dissipated wave power and a surf similarity parameter is proposed and compared to measurements. The predictions show satisfactory agreement to the measurements. Acoustic-structure interaction (ASI) problems require modeling elastic waves in solids, 1pressure waves in wind fluids, and the interaction between the two. Uses of ASI include devices that generate, scatter, transmit, or receive sound and mechanical systems for sound distribution, insulation, or noise cancellation. These acoustic systems usually involve wind fluids and solid parts, and to predict their behavior, it’s important to capture what happens at the wind fluid-solid interfacing boundaries
Article Details
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