The origin and development of intra-port operational management

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E.V. Kirillova
A.R. Magamadov
B.V. Shoorin


The results of the study of the evolution of in-port operational management (POM) as an applied science are presented, highlighting the pre-scientific and scientific stages and stages of its development and characterizing the scientific results achieved at each stage. It is shown that the beginning of the pre-scientific stage of POM formation should be associated with the emergence of professional activity in organizing loading and unloading of ships near unequipped sea coasts, and its end should be considered the approval of the concept of «operational business in ports». It is proposed to consider this time limit as an initial milestone in the scientific stage of POM development at the stages of origin, formation, creation of a methodology and further improvement up to the current state. It has been established that at the scientific stage of POM progression, the following were of fundamental importance: at the inception stage − substantiation of the need to introduce the planned principle into the operational management of port production; at the stage of formation − recognition of the usefulness of the integrated development of the practice and theory of in-port management; at the stage of creating a methodology − the beginning of the development of theoretical provisions and methodological tools for POM in the application to the process of handling ships; at the stage of optimization and automation of POM intensive enrichment of the methodology for operational management of ship handling with the principles, approaches and methods born of the scientific and technological revolution of sciences and the deployment on this basis of work on the creation of automated control systems for port operations. It is shown that the key provisions of the POM system optimization are: the concept of adaptive control as a combination of program (planning), tracking (accounting, control, analysis) and stabilizing (regulation) control; a situational planning mechanism in conjunction with rolling planning; correct and at the same time useful for practice economic and mathematical models of problems of distribution of handling operation’s resources between ships and the use of resources when handling ships; a methodology for the simultaneous compilation of dislocation schedules of ships, schedules for loading and discharging ships and shift-daily plans in terms of ship operations. The analysis of the experience in the development of automated port control systems (ACS «PORT» in the 1970s, «Digital dispatcher office» in 2017) was carried out

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How to Cite
Kirillova, E., Magamadov, A., & Shoorin, B. (2021). The origin and development of intra-port operational management. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (64), 81-98.
Transportation systems and technologies
Author Biographies

E.V. Kirillova, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of «Port Operation and Cargo Technology»

A.R. Magamadov, Odessa National Maritime University

Ph.D., Professor of the Department of «Port Operation and Cargo Technology»

B.V. Shoorin, Odessa National Maritime University

Lecturer at the Department of «Port Operation and Cargo Technology»


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