Increase of efficiency and specific power of open gas turbine plants. 1. Cycle with broadening of gases into turbine to pressure lower than atmospheric and cycle with preliminary cooling of air sucked by compressor

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A.A. Vasserman
A.G. Slyn`ko


New thermodynamic cycles of open gas turbine plants (GTP) are proposed: cycle with broadening gases into turbine to pressure lower than atmospheric and cycle with preliminary cooling of air sucked by compressor. Calculations showed, that work and thermal coefficient of efficiency of GTP at broadening of gases into turbine to pressure lower than atmospheric (0,05 MPa) increased on 19,7 and 24,5 % correspondingly. At cycle with preliminary cooling of air to temperature minus 30 ºС work of cycle increased on 17,6 %. Thermal coefficient of efficiency at this case not changed, because degree of rise of pressure not changed. Taking into account, that processes of cooling gases and air at proposed cycles are «free of charge», some constructive complications of modified GTP are fully justified by such essential increase of basic characteristics of cycles

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How to Cite
Vasserman, A., & Slyn`koA. (2021). Increase of efficiency and specific power of open gas turbine plants. 1. Cycle with broadening of gases into turbine to pressure lower than atmospheric and cycle with preliminary cooling of air sucked by compressor. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (64), 72-80.
Ship machines, mechanisms and systems
Author Biographies

A.A. Vasserman, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor of department «Ships energetic plants and technical operation»

A.G. Slyn`ko, Odessa National Maritime University

Candidate of technical sciences, Professor of department «Ships energetic plants and technical operation»


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2. Vasserman, A.A., Slyn`ko, A.G. (2018). Povishenie effektivnosti and moshosti dvigateley vnytrinego sgorania. 2. Chikl z ochlachdeniem vozducha, podavaemogo v chilindri dvigatelia // Technicheski gazi. – V. 18. – № 4. – P. 34-38.
3. Vasserman, A.A., Slyn`ko, A.G. (2018). Povishenie effektivnosti and moshosti dvigateley vnytrinego sgorania. 3. Chikl z gazotyrbinnim nadyvom and ocholodchenniem podavaemogo v DVS vozducha // Technicheski gazi. – V. 19. – № 1. – P. 43-47.
4. Vasserman, A.A., Slyn`ko, A.G. (2019). Povishenie effektivnosti and moshosti dvigateley vnytrinego sgorania. 4. Chikl z gazotyrbinnim nadyvom, ochlachdeniem podavaemodo v DVS vozdycha and rachireniem gazov v tyrbine do davlenia niche atmosfernogo // Technicheski gazi. – № 2. – P. 44-48.