Improvement of thermodynamic cycle refrigerating installation container for transportation and storage of vaccine NVX-Cov2373

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A.A. Vasserman
A.G. Slyn`ko


The issue of equipping refrigerated containers for transportation and storage of the NVX-CoV2373 vaccine with modified refrigeration units is being considered. The thermodynamic cycle of the refrigeration unit is subject to modification. The essence of the modification consists in replacing adiabat processes of compression of working bodies in all cycles of a two-stage refrigeration unit with polytropic processes. It is proposed to re-equip the standard 20-foot containers that are widely used today, since the infrastructure for their transportation and storage by sea, rail and air transport is already ready. Calculations have shown that with such an improvement in the thermodynamic cycle of the refrigeration unit, the daily energy savings will be about 100 kWh per container, and the annual energy savings will be more than 35 MWh, which corresponds to savings of more than 26 kg/day or about 10 tons / year of fuel, when using a diesel generator for generating electricity with a specific fuel consumption of 0.270 kg / kWh

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How to Cite
Vasserman, A., & Slyn`koA. (2021). Improvement of thermodynamic cycle refrigerating installation container for transportation and storage of vaccine NVX-Cov2373. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (64), 60-71.
Ship machines, mechanisms and systems
Author Biographies

A.A. Vasserman, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor of department «Ships energetic plants and technical operation»

A.G. Slyn`ko, Odessa National Maritime University

Candidate of technical sciences, Professor of department «Ships energetic plants and technical operation»


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