Modern condition of european river passenger fleet and cruises

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A. Egorov


A study of European river cruise market was carried out, the fleet of river cruise passenger ships was analyzed. European river cruise market is characterized by sustainable growth. Since 2013 number of cruises has been increased, primarily due to American tourists. In 2018 1,64 million passengers were transported on river cruise passenger ships (PS), on 14,6 % more than year before. The demand for European cruises among tourists from Asia, Russia, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, the UK and Ireland has significantly increased. The age structure of passengers is changing and the demand for expensive cruises is increasing. More than half of all passenger transportations on European inland waterways (IW) are accounted for by Switzerland, Germany and France. Almost half of all European PS (43 % or 153 units) are operated under the Swiss flag. 70 % of all European PS fleet (253 ships) is concentrated in Danube-Main-Rhine system. Last year 20 vessels were put into operation, according to preliminary estimations at least 20 vessels will also be delivered to customer this year. The peak of construction was in 2014 (31 vessels per year). In 2019 the first three-deck 196 passengers PS «AmaMagna» of cruise company «AmaWaterways» with an overall length of 135,0 m and breadth of 22 m was put into operation on European IW. In 2021 the first European four-deck PS «A-ROSA E-motion» on electric propulsion for «A-ROSA» cruise company, designed for 280 passengers, will be delivered. The length of the vessel is 135,0 m, breadth – 17,7 m, draught – 1,7 m. The direction of diversification of European river cruises continues to develop. River cruises with short-term exits to marine areas are appeared. A group of small European PS with passenger capacity of 10-40 people was also analyzed (European operators call them «barge hotels»).

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How to Cite
Egorov, A. (2021). Modern condition of european river passenger fleet and cruises. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (64), 34-59.
Theory and ship design
Author Biography

A. Egorov, Maritime Engineering Bureau, Odessa

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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