Humanization of the information triads in modern technical progress

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N. Vityuk
O. Kochetkov
V. Mashin


From the analysis of the development of society, it follows that the expansion of information flows puts forward new requirements for the transfer of knowledge from the previous generation to the next − to education. A contemporary of scientific and technological progress must realize his creative participation in the constantly information field, feel his connections in all phenomena in the noosphere. This requirement is resolved by the predominance of the moral development of mankind over scientific and technological progress, which is achieved by the humanization of education. The humanization of education removes the disharmony between the «technologization» of a person and the «humanization» of technology in the information society and orients the individual towards the highest goals of social development. In this plane, the role of the state as a guiding and coordinating institution in the information society is growing.

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How to Cite
Vityuk, N., Kochetkov, O., & Mashin, V. (2020). Humanization of the information triads in modern technical progress. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (63), 187-203.
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Author Biographies

N. Vityuk, Odessa national maritime university

Ph.D., associate professor Department of «Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment»

O. Kochetkov, Odessa national maritime university

Ph.D., associate professor Department of «Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment»

V. Mashin, Odessa national maritime university

Senior Lecturer Department of «Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment»


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