Optimization of logistics operations when building delivery routes
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The current stage of economic development is characterized by fierce competition among transport companies. The current situation encourages companies to take into account the interests of consumers, lowering prices for services provided without losing its quality, and this is possible in the transition from competition to cooperation and, as a result, unification and development of economic, technical and technological potential. It should be noted that with such a combination, it is the logistics approach that is an effective tool for obtaining a synergistic effect. An important task of integrating the existing capabilities is to take into account all operations performed in the process of creating a product in order to reduce their cost and prevent duplication. The article analyzes the generally accepted definitions of logistics and cargo operations and clarifies the concept of a logistics operation. The necessity of taking into accounts all logistics and commercial operations when forming a through rate is substantiated. On the given example of the delivery of cars from the USA to Ukraine, an algorithm for making a decision is given when building a logistics network. On the basis of the network diagram, economic and mathematical models are proposed for optimizing the delivery route.
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