The peripeties of professor Сharles Сlark: to the history of the «Odessa» period of life part 2

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Valery Levchenko
Galina Levchenko
Alexander Lyashenko


In the second part of the article dedicated to Professor Ch. Clark, it is indicated that the study of the history of the formation of higher polytechnic education in Odessa at the turn of the 1910s-1920s, when the scientist was at the top of his administrative career in the higher education system, was not only a member of the academic community, but also for a long time led him, it is impossible without recourse to the study of the characteristics of his personality. An attempt was made to combine the study of the biography of Ch. Clarke and the history of the functioning of the academic community of higher education in Odessa in the early 1920s. On the one hand, the choice of the figure Ch. Clarke is determined by the fact that his fate is of significant interest, since he was the informal leader of the Odessa Polytechnic Institute and the higher school of Odessa. During the period when he was chairman of the Odessa branch of the All-Ukrainian Committee for Assistance to Scientists, the academic community experienced the most dramatic events in the history of the 1920s. On the other hand, the career path of Ch. Clarke was, in a sense, indicative of those scientists who happened to simultaneously combine scientific and administrative spheres of activity. At the same time, Ch. Clark went through all the main stages of both scientific and administrative growth, therefore, his example clearly shows what constitutes a potential career as a scientist in the academic community. Studying the person Ch. Clarke made it possible to fill the gap that still exists in historiography, the presence of which still does not allow one to form a clear idea of him as a scientist, teacher, administrator, organizer of science, public figure and citizen, which increases the significance of this study. An attempt was made to reveal the principal views of the scientist on the development of historical events of that time.

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How to Cite
Levchenko, V., Levchenko, G., & Lyashenko, A. (2020). The peripeties of professor Сharles Сlark: to the history of the «Odessa» period of life part 2. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (63), 5-20.
Outstanding scientists - founders of higher shipbuilding education in Odessa
Author Biographies

Valery Levchenko, Odessa national maritime university

PhD, docent Department of Ukrainian Studies, Historical, Legal and Language Disciplines

Galina Levchenko, Odessa national maritime university

PhD, docent Department of History of Ukraine

Alexander Lyashenko, Odessa national maritime university

PhD, professor, Dean of the Faculty of Shipbuilding, Information Technology and System Engineering


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