Use of hydrodynamic supercavitation technology for the separation and purification of oil-containing water in marine power plants
Main Article Content
The analysis of existing data on the problem of the occurrence, storage, transportation and separation of oily waters of marine vessels is presented. The component state of oily water as a dispersed system is considered. It is indicated that all known methods developed for the purification of oily waters that use density stratification and mechanical separation are characterized by a low quality of purification. In connection with these, their use is possible only at the stage of preliminary separation. It is also indicated that methods that provide a concentration of oil products at the outlet of the purification system of less than 15 ppm are characterized by the complexity of their technical implementation and high costs (economic, energy, material) for routine maintenance. For the separation of oil-containing water, the option of cold boiling liquid is proposed due to the use of the hydromechanical process of supercavitation inside the working chamber. The technological scheme of the oil-containing water separator is presented, the principle of which is based on the separation of the water component due to the hydrodynamic process of supercavitation and the creation of a vacuum on the suction line of the pump. To increase the intensity of the cavitation process, forced air supply to the working area is proposed. Experimentally determined the optimal (height of the oily layer of liquid) the location of the cavitator and the air distributor. An optimal cavitator shape has been developed, the coordinate characteristics of the passage channel. It is proved that an increase in the diameter at the cut of the cavitator nozzle should occur from the middle of the working chamber towards its edges. It is shown that the application of the proposed method for the purification of oily waters provides a residual concentration of not more than 5 ppm. It is proved that the developed installation for the separation of ship oil-containing water is characterized by low energy costs and provides a standard set of work for technical operation, maintenance and repair.
Article Details
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