Improving the performans of marine diesel engines by cavitation treatment of the fuel

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V. Solodovnikov


It is stated that medium-speed diesels are a part of any ship power plants, their work is provided by different systems. An important role in the complex of conversion of potential energy of the fuel into the effective power of the diesel is performed by the fuel preparation system. The efficiency of its operation is determined by the change in the structural characteristics and operational properties of the fuel before and after the process of its processing. It is shown that the highest energy costs in the preparation of fuel are associated with the removal of various impurities. (mechanical, water, sulfuric). It is established that the sulfur content of the fuel is the cause of the sulfuric deterioration of the main elements of a medium-speed diesel - cylinder bushes and piston rings. The possibility of improving the performance of marine diesel engines by cavitation fuel treatment is considered. The scheme of the fuel preparation system is given taking into account the possibility of additional use of cavitation fuel treatment. An ultrasonic installation (which provides cavitation fuel treatment with optimum frequency and amplitude) is proposed. It is stated that the cavitation treatment of the fuel together with the additional air supply to the cavitation zone contributes to the breaking of C-C and C-S bonds of the fuel. The experimental results for determining the wear of the cylinder bushings and piston rings for different fuel preparation options are given: for conventional equipment, using an ultrasonic unit, using an ultrasonic unit and additional air supply to the cavitation zone. It has been experimentally established that this ensures 3,2-4,7-fold reduction in wear of piston rings and diesel cylinder bushes, and also improves the technical condition of the cylinder group of the diesel engine.

Article Details

How to Cite
Solodovnikov, V. (2020). Improving the performans of marine diesel engines by cavitation treatment of the fuel. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (62), 120-129.
Technical problems of operation of ship power equipment
Author Biography

V. Solodovnikov, National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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