Improving the fuel economy of marine diesel engines
Main Article Content
The questions of increasing the fuel efficiency of marine diesel engines by using fuel additives are considered. As a method of preparing fuel for use in a diesel engine, chemical treatment (the use of fuel additives) is proposed. Difficulties due to which the use of fuel additives in marine power engineering are not widely used are indicated. It is noted that the use of fuel additives is especially relevant for ship auxiliary engines, which ensure the operation of electric generators. These types of engines are characterized by an increased (compared to the main engines) crankshaft rotation speed, as well as continuous operation as part of a ship’s power plant (both in running and in special modes of operation of the vessel). The first (increased frequency) reduces the fuel injection time, the second (work during parking in the seaport waters) imposes additional requirements for ensuring environmental performance of engines. It was determined that it is for these diesels that the use of fuel additives is the main way to increase fuel economy. The results of experimental studies that were performed on 6N21L marine medium speed diesels manufactured by Yanmar of a marine vessel with a deadweight of 51200 tons. The fuel systems of two diesel engines were additionally equipped with a flow meter and an additive dispenser, which ensured that the additive with different concentrations was added to the volume of fuel that enters the high pressure fuel pumps. It has been established that through the use of fuel additives in various operating modes of the specified marine diesel it is possible to achieve a reduction in specific fuel consumption from 2,6 to 4,8 %. In this case, the maximum increase in fuel efficiency occurs in the range of 50-60 % of the diesel load, that is, the modes characterized by the longest operating period of operation, as well as increased thermal tension. It was also revealed that the use of fuel additives helps to reduce the temperature of the exhaust gases by 3,3-7,2 % and by 46,2-58,3 % reduces the inconsistency of the temperature of the exhaust gases in individual diesel cylinders.
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