Methodology hybridization of infrastructure projects and programs management
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The subject of the article is the development of hybrid project management methodologies, programs and project portfolios. Substantial reductions in the life cycles of infrastructure programs containing projects of different activities and different management methodologies, such as rigid life cycle waterfalls and Agile flexible life cycle methodologies, require the use of convergence tools to form hybrid methodologies. The goal is to develop a convergent approach to building hybrid project management methodologies in terms of decision-making processes in project management based on different platforms. The results of the study are based on the use of a convergent approach to the construction of the methodology for managing infrastructure projects and programs. A substantive model of the obtained hybrid project and program management methodology is presented. Conclusions: Hybrid project and program management methodologies are becoming more popular in this category of programs. The main reason is the presence in the program of components with different life cycles and, therefore, methodologies that require integration and harmonization. The methodology is tested by the practice of using mechanisms of hybrid multilevel management of infrastructure projects and programs. Research on hybrid project and program management methodologies for the specific practice of implementing different, essentially program components. The application of a hybrid project management methodology allowed the authors to execute differently, essentially, projects within a specified timeframe with a given budget, for example, complex construction projects and projects for the creation of information and communication infrastructure management systems. Further areas of research are related to the detailed development of harmonization, integration, convergence and actualization mechanisms.
Article Details
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