The method of construction of an universal marine hydraulic structures

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S. Rogachko
H. Slobodianyk


Sea shores of Black Sea and Azov Sea, banks of estuaries, lakes and reservoirs in Ukraine are subjected to intensive destruction by wind waves and drifting level ice. The onset of water on the coast leads to significant irretrievable losses of agricultural land and other material losses. For many decades, settlements located on the shores have lost entire streets along with houses built on them and other buildings. It is known, that there are cases of overburden of level ice under the influence of drift forces on gentle shores. In this case, all coastal facilities located on them were destroyed. Such adverse events can only be avoided by building coastal protection structures capable of successfully resisting the forceful effects of wind waves and drifting level ice. The construction of shore protection structures is especially necessary in the locations of settlements and cities. At present, Ukraine, despite the presence of promising hydrocarbon deposits both on land and on the shelf of the Black Sea, is an energy-dependent country. For this reason, the development of explored hydrocarbon deposits, primarily in the shallow areas of the shelf, seems to be the most important economic task. Solving this task in our country on our own requires the construction of offshore oil and gas hydraulic structures in the form of artificial islands. The successful solution of these problems depends entirely on the development of progressive methods of construction hydraulic structures (both shore protection and offshore oil and gas fields) in the open sea. Innovative method of construction hydraulic structures of various purposes with minimal use of divers manual labor is set forth by the authors in this article. Thanks to modern technology, a number of the latest designs of marine structures for various purposes have been developed and put into practice. This primarily relates to coastal protection structures and structures erected on the continental shelf for the development of offshore hydrocarbon deposits, the development of which has been carried out for many years in technically advanced countries. These types of offshore hydraulic structures are being built in the open sea, being exposed to the force of natural factors, already in the process of construction, complicating it.

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How to Cite
Rogachko, S., & Slobodianyk, H. (2020). The method of construction of an universal marine hydraulic structures. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (61), 167-179.
Hydrotechnical construction
Author Biographies

S. Rogachko, Odessa national maritime university

doctor of engineering, professor, of the Department «Marine and river ports, waterways and its technical service»

H. Slobodianyk, Odessa national maritime university

candidate of engineering science, of the Department «Marine and river ports, waterways and its technical service»


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