Determination of stress and deformation of the carrying system of a landing - type landing container loader by numerical methods

Main Article Content

V. Orobey
A. Nemchuk
O. Lymarenko
O. Romanov


The finite element method and the boundary element method were used to calculate the stresses and deformations of the elements of the carrier system of the mooring container dock. The method of calculation of metal structures of hoisting-and-transport machines has been developed and the supporting elements which are present in the boom and in the portal are taken into account in the mathematical model of the object of study. In applying the finite element method to calculating the finite element method, we consider the boundary conditions of the problem as close as possible to the real ones, which affects the accuracy of the calculation results. The portal and the arrow are considered as thin-walled systems, under the action of the load distributed by some law from interaction with the conjugated parts. The parameters of the strength and stiffness of the elements of the carrier system of the port-type dock container reloader were determined. The study is based on the boundary element method and the finite element method, with the general application of computer simulation methods. When applying the boundary element method for spatial rod systems, all internal force factors are taken into account.

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How to Cite
Orobey, V., Nemchuk, A., Lymarenko, O., & Romanov, O. (2020). Determination of stress and deformation of the carrying system of a landing - type landing container loader by numerical methods. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (61), 140-153.
Problems of operation of port lifting equipment
Author Biographies

V. Orobey, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor of the Department Dynamics, strength of machines and resistance of materials of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport ONPU

A. Nemchuk, Odessa national maritime university

PhD, Vice Rector of Science

O. Lymarenko, Odessa National Polytechnic University

candidate of technical sciences, head of the Department Dynamics, strength of machines and resistance of materials of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport ONPU

O. Romanov, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Researcher of the department of «Dynamics, strength of machines and resistance of materials» of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport ONPU


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