Influence of modernization works of cruise passenger ships on formation of compartments for passengers and crew
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Despite increase in number of modernizations, not all working river cruise passenger ships (RCPS) fitted modern cruise requirements. Therefore, when developing modernization projects and projects of new RCPS, it is extremely important to have information about real situation with passenger cabins and public spaces. Any RCPS modernization or conversion, if there are no problems with technical conditions of the ship, is carried out in order to increase comfort level. On such ships, increase of comfort level and fit to modern standards of service are achieved by reducing passenger capacity unlike to sea cruise passenger ships and liners, for which foremost changes in overall dimensions are possible. At the same time distribution of areas and layout of compartments are also subjects to change. Specific area of passenger cabins is increasing from 2,0-4,5 m 2 /pas to 9,0-12,0 m 2 /pas, the specific area of public compartments – from 4,5-9,0 m 2 /pas to 11,5-16,0 m 2 /pas. Average area of passenger cabin on conversed RCPS of PV06 project in comparison with initial 588 project ship has increased on 196,7 % (from 4,1 m 2 to 12,2 m 2 ). Average area of passenger cabin on conversed RCPS of PV08 project in comparison with initial Q-065 project ship has increased on 188,2 % (from 7,5 m 2 to 21,6 m 2 ). Specific area of public compartments on conversed RCPS of PV06 project in comparison with initial 588 project ship has increased on 232,3 % (from 4,7 m 2 /pas to 15,7 m 2 /pas). Specific area of public compartments on conversed RCPS of PV08 project in comparison with initial Q-065 project ship has increased on 63,0 % (from 9,0 m 2 /pas to 14,7 m 2 /pas). The number of crew and operational personnel per passenger increases up to 0.51, which increases the level of service on board. Ships of the first (projects 785, 26-37, 588, 305, 646, 860) and the second (projects 301, 302, Q-040, Q-056, Q-065, 92-016) groups of RCPS had been chosen as the most suitable ships for modernization. Correlations received during the work will simplify the design process of basic projects, including design works on modernization and conversion of RCPS.
Article Details
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