Design features of SDS18 ultifunctional diving vessel-catamaran of «Igor Iyin» type
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The analysis of native diving fleet in operation is executed. 60 % of diving vessels are in operation with exceeded life term, the oldest vessel «Diver-5» is 62 years old. The further operation of old vessels is associated with risk increase of ensuring maritime safety and high cost of funds for their maintenance and repair. Most vessels are outdated. Necessity of building of new generation multifunctional diving vessels with large open deck with fastening equipment, dynamic positioning, well for divers and equipment, special personnel accommodation is shown. The concept of diving catamaran is developed, basic characteristics are defined. Comparison with existing diving vessels is made. Hull contours of multifunctional diving catamaran vessel by means of model trials in experimental tank and CFD modelling have been created and optimized. Basic functions and equipment installed on the vessel are described.
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