Economic aspekts of interaction of individual and society in informative society

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N.V. Vityuk
B.N. Mashin


The economic aspects of relations between an individual and society as the core of development of information society consisting of two new classes − netocrats and consumers are analyzed. The dual attitude of netocrats to scientists is noted. Different approaches to the problem of «planned obsolescence» of household objects are considered. It is emphasized that consumption stimulated by the aggressive impact of information technologies on people depresses their lives, thus destroying the environment. It is concluded that active online advertising attracts individuals to the rows of the consumer. The control over personal data of the computer can turn into a system of estimates of an individual's loyalty.

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How to Cite
Vityuk, N., & Mashin, B. (2020). Economic aspekts of interaction of individual and society in informative society. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (60), 156-170.
Project and program management
Author Biographies

N.V. Vityuk, Odessa national maritime university

Ph.D., associate professor Department of «Exploitation of marine electric equipment and means of automation»

B.N. Mashin, Odessa national maritime university

Senior Lecturer, Department of «Exploitation of marine electric equipment and means of automation»


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