Water is a valuable natural resours

Main Article Content

E.Yu. Fеdоrоvа


The article analyses natural process of proceeding the population with sufficient water. The fact of a decrease in fresh water reserves due to the shallowing of large rivers is very disturbing. It is discussed and proved the importance and necessity of having pure fresh water for human life. Issues related to the wer-increasing demands for fresh water on Earth, and methods of its use that will assist to avoid the water erases are considered. The article proved the need of fresh water sources refilling by existing water resources desalination. Water treatment methods are described.

Article Details

How to Cite
FеdоrоvаE. (2020). Water is a valuable natural resours. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (60), 124-131. https://doi.org/10.33082/2226-1893-2019-3-124-131
Environmental problems of hydrotechnical construction
Author Biography

E.Yu. Fеdоrоvа, Odessa national maritime university

Ph.D., Docent of the  «Engineering structures and water research»


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