Formalization of causal relationships of the components of the vessel's voyage

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Yu.O. Koskina


Vessel's voyage performing the carriage of cargo is her main operating process. Organization and realization of carriage of cargo by sea vessel largely depends from the precise coordination of different processes which initiate and accompany the vessel's voyage. The beginning and completion of each part of the voyage ensuring with the workflow and processes not only of carrier but other participants of the carriage of cargo. Using the temporal logic operators the causality of the vessels voyage components is established and the voyage itself formalized according to the processes implemented by freight brokers, forwarding agents, stevedoring companies and ship agents.

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How to Cite
Koskina, Y. (2020). Formalization of causal relationships of the components of the vessel’s voyage. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (60), 93-108.
Technology and organization of cargo transportation
Author Biography

Yu.O. Koskina, Odessa national maritime university

Ph.D., associate professor Department of «Fleet Operating and Technologу of Sea Carriages»


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