Determination of maximum speeds of height of amplitude of tensions at the speed-up tests of details of machines on resistance of tiredness
Main Article Content
Based on the linear hypothesis of the accumulation of fatigue injuries, the limiting rates of increase in the amplitude of stresses were deter-mined during accelerated fatigue resistance tests. The problem is solved for two loading modes, in particular, when the initial stress is less and more than the endurance limit.It is shown that, depending on the choice of the equation of the fatigue curve, the values of the maximum allowable speeds can diverge significantly. Based on a comparative analysis of the results obtained, the values of limiting velocities are recommended, which are guaranteed to lead to the destruction of the test objects in the multi-cycle region
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How to Cite
Konoplev, A., Cheredarchuk, N., Halevskyi, V., Kononova, O., RozhkoО., & Sologub, V. (2020). Determination of maximum speeds of height of amplitude of tensions at the speed-up tests of details of machines on resistance of tiredness. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (60), 59-69.
Tightening and strength of machine parts
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