Calculated evaluation of strength strengthen teeth wheels of when bending
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The features of estimation of fatigue strength of gear wheels teeth during bending are considered. It is shown that in all standards of fatigue strength assessment of wheel teeth, the values of endurance limits obtained by labor-intensive experimental methods are applied. On the basis of the analysis of the relevant data, the necessity of the development of calculated dependencies for determining the limits of the endurance of the teeth of the gear wheels, based on the statistical regularities of the similarity of fatigue fracture, is substantiated. A method is proposed for the estimation of the endurance limits of surface hardened wheel teeth when bending. Experimental investigations of the limits of endurance of cemented teeth of gear wheels during bending were carried out. The analysis of calculated and experimental data is given. The expediency of application of the developed method for the calculated estimation of endurance limits of hardened teeth of gear wheels is shown in practice.
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