Concept of RSD32M Dry-cargo multipurpose vessel of «NAVIS» type of «Azov five thousand» class

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G.V. Yegorov
V.I. Tonyuk


Mean age of «Volgo-Balt» / «Sormovsky» class vessels is now more than 30-35 years, that completely necessitates renewal of the fleet with new vessels with the same river cargo capacity – RSD32M project vessels. The vessel have to transport 5000 tons of dry cargo, primarily grain, on 4.20 m draught at sea in the ports of Azov and Caspian Seas with guaranteed cargo capacity of 3000 tons in river to be no worse than «Omskiy» type vessels including draughts up to 3.20 m. The concept is a development of RSD18 («UCF» type) and RSD32 projects designed by Marine Engineering Bureau in 2005-2006, and the «classmate» of RSD17 project («Mirzaga Khalilov» type), «Valdai» and «Rusich» type vessels. The vessel is of the «southern» type, therefore, choice of sailing navigation class of the vessel – R2 and ice category – Ice1; use of removable hatch covers with gantry ship crane; medium-speed diesel engines as the main engines, already became classic for this type of vessels fully-rotating rudder-propellers with fixed-pitch propellers. The purpose of RSD32M vessels is to transport general, bulk cargoes, packed and round timber, grain, scrap metal, bunches and rolls of metal, large-sized and heavy-lift cargoes, coal, dangerous goods of 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 8, 9 classes of IMDG Code and cargoes of category B of IMSBC Code. Sailing regions are internal waterways of European part of Russian Federation; Azov, Caspian, Black, Mediterranean Baltic, White, North Seas, including voyages around Europe and to Irish Sea in winter. The detailed analysis of main characteristics and its comparison with characteristics of vessels-analogues are executed. Coefficient of displacement utilization by deadweight is the best on all reviewed draughts. Relative coefficients of RSD32M project on other draughts are better than on other vessels of the same class. In addition, energy consumption per unit of transport capacity on SCWL is on the same level of other new Marine Engineering Bureau projects. While operation in Caspian and Azov Seas RSD32M project will have economic advantages in comparison with all other vessels, hereat lightweight is smaller, building is less costly.

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How to Cite
Yegorov, G., & Tonyuk, V. (2020). Concept of RSD32M Dry-cargo multipurpose vessel of «NAVIS» type of «Azov five thousand» class. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (60), 5-24.
Design of ships
Author Biographies

G.V. Yegorov, Maritime Engineering Bureau, Odessa

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, General Director

V.I. Tonyuk, Maritime Engineering Bureau, Odessa

technical director


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