Assessment of the surface water of the north-west black sea within the synthetic content of surface-active substances
Main Article Content
The ecological assessment of the surface waters of the North-Western Black Sea region within the Odessa region (basins of the Alkali, Kaplan, Hadzhider, Chaga, Kogylnyk, Sarata Rivers by the average and maximum content of synthetic surface-active agents is made in the article. The results of observations of the Separate subdivision of the Basin Water Resources Management Department of the Black Sea and lower Danube Black Sea Water Resources Center (subject of environmental monitoring in Odessa region) are used on water objects for 2012-2017, provided by the Ecology Department and natural resources of the Odessa regional state administration. By the research has been found that the content of synthetic surface-active agents in river waters exceeded the maximum permissible concentrations for fisheries waters, which makes it impossible to use surface waters of the research area for the fisheries sector. The highest concentrations of toxicological pollutant in river waters were observed in 2017, the excess of maximum-rated concentration for the average and maximal amounts has made in accordance with: Kaplan River (4,95 / 6,35 times); Hadger River (4,95/6,35 times); Chaga River (2,40/2,95 times); Kogilnyk River (2,10/3,10 times), Sarata River (1,85/2,20 times). According to the results of the environmental assessment, practically all surface waters according to the SPAR content correspond to the IV and V classes, 6-7 quality categories, that is, the water qua-lity is «very bad» and the degree of purity is «very polluted».
Article Details
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