Rationale the method of planning the railwaywagons approach to transport hubs up to sea vessels

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А. Murad'yan
S. Rusanova


Formation of transport logistics chains on the basis of the scheduling of loading and bringing wagons into the transport hub under ships is one of the main tasks of the regional transport and logistics center [1-3]. The need to develop a scheduling methodology for this purpose is dictated by the imperfection of existing approaches to the interaction of railway transport with maritime, which are based on the stereotype that to exclude idle wagons at the approaches to the port, it is sufficient to ensure their uniform supply by rail, not exceeding the weight and port mechanisms.

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How to Cite
Murad’yanА., & Rusanova, S. (2020). Rationale the method of planning the railwaywagons approach to transport hubs up to sea vessels. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (59(2), 183-198. https://doi.org/10.33082/2226-1915-2-2019-183-198
Technology and organization of cargo transportation
Author Biographies

А. Murad'yan, Odessa national maritime university

к.т.н., доцент кафедры «Эксплуатация портов и технология грузовых работ»

S. Rusanova, Odessa national maritime university

Assistant of the department «Port Operation and freight technology»


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