Practice of providing independent inspection services in process of organisation of sunflowerseed meal transportations in containers

Main Article Content

T.E. Korniets
A.K. Smarkalova


This article reviews the practice of providing independent  inspection services. Particular focusis placedon the narrowly specific areas of surveyors’ functions in container transportations organization upon conditions of the Chinese market requirements for sunflower meal produced in Ukraine.

Article Details

How to Cite
Korniets, T., & Smarkalova, A. (2020). Practice of providing independent inspection services in process of organisation of sunflowerseed meal transportations in containers. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (59(2), 155-165.
Technology and organization of cargo transportation
Author Biographies

T.E. Korniets, Odessa national maritime university

PhD, associate professor associate professor «Department of Port Operation and Cargo Handling Technology»

A.K. Smarkalova, Odessa national maritime university

assistant «Department of Port Operation and Cargo Handling Technology»


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