Choose of optimal pressure of intermediate overheating of vapor at steam-turbine plant cycle

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A.A. Vasserman


The method of choose of optimal pressure of intermediate overheating of vapor at steam-turbine plants (STP) cycle is proposed. For this aim values of thermal coefficient of efficiency of STP cycle at several values of intermediate overheating pressure are calculated. The results of calculations of thermal coefficient of efficiency at initial pressures 6, 8 and 10 MPa and condensation pressure 0,005 MPa are presented. The analysis of these results showed, that optimal values of intermediate overheating pressure are 1,2, 1,5 and 2,4 MPa correspondingly.

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How to Cite
Vasserman, A. (2020). Choose of optimal pressure of intermediate overheating of vapor at steam-turbine plant cycle. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (59(2), 121-126.
Technical problems of ship equipment operation
Author Biography

A.A. Vasserman, Odessa national maritime university

Doctor of technical sciences, Profesor of department «Ships energetic plants and technical operation»


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