Development of solder to solder heat resisting nickel alloys for marine gas turbines

Main Article Content

B.V. Bugaenko
E.A. Buturlia
A.M. Kostin


The alloying of alloys with rhenium and tantalum allowed the deve-lopment of new alloys CM 93 and CM 96, which made it possible to raise the operating temperature of the gas of marine gas turbine engines (GTE) by  40-60 ° C and ensure resistance to high-temperature salt corrosion (HTSC). Solder SBM-3 is designed for soldering GTE. In order to be able to use it for soldering marines GTE, it has been proposed to reduce the brazing temperature by introducing Si depressants through NS-12 solder. Si also increases   resistance to HTSC. The composition of SBM-3 was added 10, 20 and 30 % of the mass. NS-12. Adding NS-12 solder to SBM-3 at a constant brazing temperature increases the solder spreading area over the CM 93 surface at 1200 °С from 40 to 50 mm2; at a temperature of 1220 °C from 60 to 100 mm2; at a temperature of 1240 °С from 180 to 205 mm2. The spreading area of the solder increases 4-4,5 ° times with an increase in the soldering temperature from 1200 to 1240 °C for all the tested solder compounds SBM-3 with NS-12. Wetting angle decreases with increasing concentration of NC-12 from 10 to   30 % of the mass. In SBM-3 solder: at a temperature of 1220 °С from 6,3 ° to  4 °; at a temperature of 1240 ° С from 4,8 ° to 3,3 °, and at a temperature of 1200 ° С it is approximately 7 °. With an increase in brazing temperature from 1200 ° C to 1240 ° C, the wetting angle decreases: at 10 % of the mass. NS-12 from 7,5 ° to 4,8 °; at 20 % of the mass. NS-12 from 6,5 ° to 4,0 °; at 30 % of the mass. NS-12 from 7,5 ° to 4,0 °. The distribution of Si over the height of a drop in its diametral plane is uneven. At a brazing temperature of 1200 ° C at the boundary with the base metal Si, its concentration increases along the height of the drop and reaches a maximum value on its surface of 12,71 % wt. (addition of NS-12 − 30 % of the mass.) Or in its central part 2, 64 % of the mass. (addition of HC-12 − 10 % of the mass.) and 6.39% of the mass. (additive NS-12 − 20 % of the mass.). At a soldering temperature of 1220-1240 ° C, the maximum concentration of Si is observed almost in the middle of the drop height. With an increase in the soldering temperature of more than 1200 °C, the dissolution of the base metal in the solder, as well as Si in the base metal on the verge of the solder-base metal, is observed

Article Details

How to Cite
Bugaenko, B., Buturlia, E., & Kostin, A. (2020). Development of solder to solder heat resisting nickel alloys for marine gas turbines. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (59(2), 107-120.
Tightening and strength of machine parts
Author Biographies

B.V. Bugaenko, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

cand. of technical Sciences, docent

E.A. Buturlia, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

postgraduate student

A.M. Kostin, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

cand. of technical Sciences, professor


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