The solution of shafting alignment problems with feedback using the generalized relaxation method

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O.I. Ursolov


The marine shafting bending calculation is considered. The calculation takes into account bracket deflections and deformations of the aftmost bearing bush, which is represented as a non-linear elastic foundation. The relaxation method for successive approximations is proposed, providing calculation convergence in problems with feedback. The efficiency of the method compared to the simple successive approximations is shown in the example of the bending calculation of typical shafting design with a bracket

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How to Cite
Ursolov, O. (2020). The solution of shafting alignment problems with feedback using the generalized relaxation method. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (59(2), 91-106.
Design of ships
Author Biography

O.I. Ursolov, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

postgraduate student, master department of Theory and design of ship


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