Modernization and conversion of river cruise passenger vessels
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In paper examples of realization on practice of modernization and conversion of river cruise passenger vessels completed according to Marine Engineering Bureau projects are given. Features of such works are noted. Results of modernization and conversion are shown
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How to Cite
Egorov, A. (2020). Modernization and conversion of river cruise passenger vessels . Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (59(2), 41-76.
Design of ships
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4. Egorov G.V. (2013). Perspektivy kruizov po rekam Rossii [Pers-pectives of Russian river cruises]. Morskie Vesti Rossii (Russian Maritime News), 13 (386), 12-16 [in Russian].
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2. Egorov A.G. (2019). Analiz zakonomernostey spisaniya rechnykh kruiznykh sudov i prognoz sostava rechnogo flota s opredeleniem naibolee vostrebovannykh tipov sudov dlya konversii i moderni-zatsii [Analysis of trends of decommissioning of river cruise vessels and prognosis of structure of river fleet with definition of most demanded types of vessels for conversion and modernization]. Morskoy Vestnik (Maritime Reporter), 1 (69), 21-27 [in Russian].
3. Egorov A.G. (2018). Analiz kruiznogo passazhirskogo flota [Ana-lysis of cruise passenger fleet]. Materialy IX mezhdun. nauchno-tekhn. konf. «Innovatsii v sudostroenii i okeanotekhnike» (Proceedings of IX international Sc-Tech. conference «Innovations in shipbuilding and ocean technique»). ‒ Nikolayev, 61 [in Russian].
4. Egorov G.V. (2013). Perspektivy kruizov po rekam Rossii [Pers-pectives of Russian river cruises]. Morskie Vesti Rossii (Russian Maritime News), 13 (386), 12-16 [in Russian].
5. Egorov G.V., Kalugin Ya.V. (2013). Opyt modernizatsii i stroitelstva rechnykh kruiznykh sudov s ispolzovaniem elementov sudov-donorov [Experience of modernization and building of river cruise vessels with usage of elements of vessels-donors]. Zb. nauk. pratst NUK (Collection of scientific papers of Nikolayev University of Shipbuilding), 2, 4-9 [in Russian].
6. «Fleet photo» website. URL: ?vid=684 (access date 18.02.2019).
7. «Fleet photo» website. URL: ?vid=4114 (access date 18.02.2019).
8. «Fleet photo» website. URL: (access date 18.02.2019).
9. «Fleet photo» website. URL: (access date 18.02.2019).
10. «Fleet photo» website. URL: (access date 18.02.2019).
11. «Fleet photo» website. URL: (access date 18.02.2019).
12. «Fleet photo» website. URL: (access date 18.02.2019).
13. «Luftner Cruises» cruise company website / Rennovation of «Amadeus Diamond» passenger vessel. URL: (access date 18.02.2019).