Influence of design parameters common rail fuel injection systems on the characteristics of the fuel supply of RT-Flex engines

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E. Polovinka
I. Tabulynsky


The composition of diesel fuel supply systems consists, first of all, in the selection of design parameters of the main functional elements.   Understanding the role of these factors is also necessary for the efficient operation of fuel supply systems and the engine as a whole. Accumulator fuel supply systems of modern RT-Flex diesels of the Common Rail type are quite widely covered in the technical literature, but no attention was paid to the issue of the influence of design parameters on fuel injection characteristics. In this study, the influence of the design parameters of the main module of the system ‒ the injection control unit (Injection Control Unit-ICU) ‒ on the fuel supply process was studied. The unit itself is a device that ensures the operation of the DP BUV dosing piston (QP-Quantity Piston). Its diameter dp varied in the range of 40-120 mm in the process of simulation using the GT-Power program. The change of fuel pressure in the main elements of the BUV: the buffer pb.p and working p.p cavities, as well as in the pf nozzle, was considered. When dp increases from 40 to 120 mm, pb.p decreases by 3,3 %, and p.p under the same conditions increases from 465 to 706 bar (by 241 bar or 41 %), pf also increases: from 383 to 564 bar. The speed of the DP movement is very sensitive to changes in the conditions of the latter's movement. Even barely noticeable changes in the mode of displacement of the DP lead to a jump-like change in vp. Cyclic fuel supply qts, with an increase in dp, increased from 0,0146 kg to 0,0189 kg by 0,0046 kg (27,4 %).


oPKV – degrees of rotation of the crankshaft; RP BUV – working cavity of the BUV;

BP BUV – buffer cavity of BUV; xn   – coordinate of DP;

vp     – speed of DP;

рp. – pressure in the working cavity of the BUV; pb.p. – pressure in the buffer cavity of the BUV; pf        – pressure in the nozzle;

dp – diameter of the dosing piston; qts – cyclic fuel supply.

gт – injection intensity;

ϕ – angle of rotation of the crankshaft.

Article Details

How to Cite
Polovinka, E., & Tabulynsky, I. (2024). Influence of design parameters common rail fuel injection systems on the characteristics of the fuel supply of RT-Flex engines. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (73), 126-145.
Problems of operation of shipboard power equipment
Author Biographies

E. Polovinka, National University «Odesa Maritime Academy», Odesa, Ukraine

DTSc, professor Department «Ship power plants»

I. Tabulynsky, National University «Odesa Maritime Academy», Odesa, Ukraine

1-st Class Engineer, Senior Teacher Department « Technical operation of the fleet»


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