Prospects for the use of high-temperature exothermic metal synthesis in industrial practice for the restoration of cylinder liners in piston engines

Main Article Content

Eduard Bohomolov
Yevheniia Naumenko
Olersandr Gaievskyi


The technological approaches and parameters for the process of depositing a wear-resistant coating on the inner surface of cylinder liners by the SHS method in the field of centrifugal forces are presented. Calculations of the changes in the standard Gibbs free energy for all possible reactions between the charge components were performed to determine which of these reactions can theoretically occur spontaneously. To assess the energy potential of the charge, calculations of the thermal effects (enthalpies) of the corresponding reactions were also conducted. Heat exchange processes between the cast iron surface of the sleeve and the products of the exothermic reaction during the formation of the wear-resistant layer were examined. Using mathe- matical modeling with the ELCUT software package, the temperature impact of the reaction products on the integrity of the sleeve shell was determined. Characteristic methods for regulating the thermal energy of high-temperature thermite melt depending on the density of the charge material and the rotation speed were reviewed

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How to Cite
Bohomolov, E., Naumenko, Y., & Gaievskyi, O. (2024). Prospects for the use of high-temperature exothermic metal synthesis in industrial practice for the restoration of cylinder liners in piston engines. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (73), 112-125.
Problems of operation of shipboard power equipment
Author Biographies

Eduard Bohomolov, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

senior lecturer of the Department «Materials Science and Materials Technology»

Yevheniia Naumenko, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department «Materials Science and Materials Technology»

Olersandr Gaievskyi, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

senior lecturer of the Department «Materials Science and Materials Technology»


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