Analysis of the safe operation of a passenger ship with large hull modernization according to the criterion of ensuring sustainability
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Dimensional modernization of marine passenger ships is an important tool for increasing the competitiveness of various companies. The world cruise fleet has a significant number of such vessels that can be considered as candidates for this type of modernization. Any type of modernization associated with changes in the hull design must be evaluated from the standpoint of shipping safety. Increasing the size of the ship due to the addition of a cylindrical insert affects not only the strength of the ship's hull, but also its stability, which plays an important role in ensuring the safety of passengers, the ship and navigation and the efficiency of its operation. The assessment of stability is based on the fulfillment of five conditions that ensure it under different types of operation, weather conditions and the behavior of passengers on the upper deck ‒ compliance with the permissible values of the metacentric height, the roll angle caused by the crowding of passengers on the open deck near one of the sides, the roll angle, which is caused by the joint action of moments of roll, which arises from the crowding of passengers on the upper deck and from movement on the established circulation; checking parameters according to the static stability diagram (DSO); safe operation according to the weather criterion. At the same time, the meta- centric height plays an important role in the occurrence of accelerations and inertial forces in the hull of a ship (especially a passenger one), which led a number of researchers to classify the metacentric height (more precisely, the relative metacentric height) in such a range of stability insufficient, optimal, increased and excessive. This makes it possible to create a mathematical model that, based on the calculated stability value and the mentioned scale, determines the maximum length of the vessel, which will be provided with the necessary stability criterion
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