Analysis of defects in metal structures of automobile cranes

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V. Strelbitskyi
V. Yaremenko


The paper presents the results of a statistical analysis of defects in metal structures of automobile cranes that have fulfilled the standard service life in ports identified during expert diagnosis. The largest number of defects is associated with the deformation of metalwork elements, the occurrence of fatigue cracks. The analysis of the studies showed that the main defects are deformations, cracks and corrosion of metal structures. The largest number of defects were found in the crane boom. The identified defects indicate that the cranes were operated in violation of the operating requirements established by the manufacturer.

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How to Cite
Strelbitskyi, V., & Yaremenko, V. (2024). Analysis of defects in metal structures of automobile cranes. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (73), 66-72.
Tightening and strength of machine parts
Author Biographies

V. Strelbitskyi, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

Ph.D., associate professor of department «Hoisting and transport machines and engineering of port technological equipment»

V. Yaremenko, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

associate professor of department «Hoisting and transport machines and engineering of port technological equipment»


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