Method of calculating the longitudinal accelerations occurring on board of the ship during the encounter with the wave

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Oleksandr Kanifolskyi


The article proposes a solution to the problem of calculating the values of longitudinal accelerations acting on the ship when it encounters a wave. In some IMO documents, the data obtained by research are given and proposed for calculating the strength of the means for securing the cargo on the ship. A theoretical basis for calculations related to the values of longitudinal accelerations has been created in this article. It is proposed to calculate such accelerations using a new formula for calculating the longitudinal force. This formula is obtained after analysing the expression for the Energy Wave Criterion (EWC), which is based on the ratio of the total wave energy and the kinetic energy of the vessel, and is similar to Newton's criterion. The total wave energy is calculated by representing the wave profile as a trochoid. The values of longitudinal accelerations were calculated and a comparison of these values with the results obtained by research was carried out. In order to compare the values of the force of the wave impact on the object, a comparative analysis was carried out using the Senflu method, which is used to assess the effect of waves on hydrotechnical structures.

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How to Cite
Kanifolskyi, O. (2024). Method of calculating the longitudinal accelerations occurring on board of the ship during the encounter with the wave. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (73), 7-17.
Theory and ship design
Author Biography

Oleksandr Kanifolskyi, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa,Ukraine

PhD., Docent of Department «Shipbuilding and Ship Repair. named after prof. Vorobyev Yu.L.»


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