Computer program «Investigation of operating memory»
Main Article Content
According to modern concepts, memory is a mental process, which in turn is an integral part of such processes as learning, predicting the future and self- identification of an individual. There is a complex system of classification of types of memory according to various characteristics, but for practice, in particular, the operation of technical systems, the types of memory that are distinguished depending on the time of information retention are important: ultra-short-term (also sensory or immediate), short-term and long-term. And also, a type of memory that directly serves thinking operations ‒ operating memory. Operating memory is the most important mental process during the maintenance of technical systems or «man-machine» systems, and so, for the work of a human ope- rator. Namely, the profession of the operator is the main profession of the 21st century. The work is devoted to the development of a computer program for the investi- gation of operating memory, which is one of the most important mental processes that determine the effectiveness and safety of information interaction between the human and a machine, that is, the operator's work. The program implements the modification of the «reproduced series» method proposed by the author, automates it and introduces additional motivation due to the fact that the research is conducted in a game form
Article Details
2. Pam'iat' , P. Jolon, Filosofs'kyj entsyklopedychnyj slovnyk , V.I. Shynkaruk (hol. redkol.). Kyiv: Instytut filosofii imeni Hryhoriia Skovorody NAN Ukrainy, Abrys, 2002. P. 463-742. [Memory, P. Jolon, Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary, V.I. Shinkaruk (main editor). Kyiv: Hrigoriy Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Abrys, 2002, P. 463-742]. (In Ukrainian).
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