Risk assessment mechanism of stakeholders of concession projects implemented in seaports
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The purpose of the research is to develop a scientifically based mechanism for assessing the risks of stakeholders of concession projects implemented in the seaports of Ukraine. The objectives of the research consisted of identifying the stakeholders of the concession project, identifying the risks of them, developing a conceptual model for the distribution of risks between the stakeholders, and assessing the significance of the damage caused by the occurrence of risks at each phase of the life cycle of the concession project. The following results were obtained: the stakeholders of the concession project were identified. The risks were classified according to the degree of damage caused. This made it possible to distribute the considered risks of the concession project in a seaport among the project stakeholders across the phases of the life cycle. The work assessed the significance of each of the above risks and concluded that the risk of martial law being implemented has the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the implementation of a concession project in a seaport. Having analyzed international experience, the effectiveness of the implementation of concession projects in seaports was determined. It was noted that projects, including concessions, are associated with a high degree of risk. Project stakeholders were identified, risks were distributed between them and the significance of risks was assessed when implementing concession projects in seaports. This made it possible to group the degrees of possible damage from the occurrence of risks into significant, medium and minor damage and to assess the possible impact of the risk on the phases of the life cycle of the concession project. As a result, a conceptual model of risk distribution between stakeholders was proposed and the significance of each of the risks presented in the work for a concession project implemented in a seaport was assessed.
Article Details
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