Fatigue strength increase of portal crane structural elements by the special technological environment treatment

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O. Nesterov


The method of increasing the fatigue strength of a cargo winch made of St.3sp steel, in the wall of which operational fatigue cracks appear in the zone of the welded joint with the shaft, is substantiated. The basis of the strengthening method is the usage of a special technological environment with the unique ability of completely retard the growth of fatigue cracks in structural steels. A significant increase in the endurance limit of steel was revealed by experiments of the fatigue strength under the influence of the technological environment. It demonstrated that the method is effective not only for retarding fatigue crack growth, but also for increasing fatigue strength in general. Accordingly, the method can be used for increasing the durability of local areas of crane structures with a significant risk of fatigue damaging. The technical implementation of the method has been worked out. The construction of a chamber made of inert material, surrounding the winch area with a high risk of fatigue crack initiation hermetically and filling in with the aqueous technological solution, has been developed.

Article Details

How to Cite
Nesterov, O. (2023). Fatigue strength increase of portal crane structural elements by the special technological environment treatment. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (71), 96-102. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2023-4-96-102
Tightening and strength of machine parts
Author Biography

O. Nesterov, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

PhD student of the Department of «Hoisting and Transport Machines and Engineering of Port Technological Equipment»


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