Analysis of the stressed - deformed state caisson reinforced concrete floors
Main Article Content
A caisson ceiling with ribs in two directions provides the possibility of an effective constructive solution at the same time as a free architectural planning of multifunctional purpose. The relief of the thick-ribbed ceiling does not require plastering and is included in the architectural interior. This article deals with caisson reinforced concrete floors. At the same time, with the help of a computer program, a comparative analysis of the stress-strain state of caisson reinforced concrete floors in the elastic stage of operation and in the presence of cracks was performed. Physical nonlinearity is taken into account during the calculation. The characteristics of the studied model are given in the article. The computer program taken for calculation numerically implements the task of calculating reinforced concrete gratings based on a spatial calculation scheme taking into account physical nonlinearity. The program implements a calculation task that must fully take into account the spatial nature of the work of reinforced concrete structures, damage to structural elements, and even take into account the non-linear nature of deformation of materials. It is determined how the forces, deflections and bending moments in the overlaps change. A comparative analysis of the obtained results was carried out. A comparative analysis of the obtained results was carried out. The final data are presented in the form of graphs.
Article Details
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