Work features of coastal protection structures with waterproof slope
Main Article Content
The problems of engineering protection of estuaries, rivers, and seas from the action of storm waves and ice formations are related to the construction of the coastal protection structures of the passive type. The most common are waterproof slopes with concrete and reinforced concrete slabs. In the design process of these structures, ice conditions are taken into account. Ice loads are prevalent compared to wave loads. Following the recommendations of the normative documents, wave pressure at the approach of the design wave crest and back pressure at the approach of the design wave trough are determined. Under the influence of the back pressure through the distance between the slabs, there is an intensive washout of soil particles from the soil base. It leads to the formation of voids and slope settlement. This paper considers a physical picture of the interaction of wind waves with slope-type coastal protection structures. The newest design of the coastal protection structure is proposed. It allows reducing wave and ice loads, as well as prevents the washout of soil particles from the soil base under theslabs.
Article Details
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