Influence of the geometric parameters of the electric vessel’s hull on inertial characteristics
Main Article Content
A method of estimating inertial characteristics was proposed. The need to take into account the operating parameters of the propelling electric power plant when calculating these characteristics was substantiated. Calculations of inertial characteris- tics are based on the analysis of transient modes of electric vessels’ propulsive complexes during the corresponding maneuvers. The main indicators of the control signals were established, which provide the necessary parameters without exceeding the overloading capabilities of the propelling plant. The parameters affecting these characteristics were identified. A degree of influence was estimated. The effect of the geometric parameters of the ships’ hull on the main indicators of the ship’s acceleration and braking was evaluated. A comparative analysis of the influence of the vessel's hull length during its acceleration and active braking was carried out. The behavior of vessels with different hull lengths was illustrated by the simulation results of the corresponding maneuvers. The results of the comparative analysis showed that with an increase in the length of the vessel by 10 %, the parameters characterizing the inertia of electric vessels deteriorate by approximately the same amount, remaining within the limits regulated by the Register.
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