Projection method for simulation of conductive transfer
Main Article Content
The article deals with the processes of conductive transfer: diffusion, filtration and heat. Such processes are quite well described by the Laplace or Poisson equations with different conditions on the boundaries (Dirichlet and Neumann). There are quite a lot of numerical methods for solving such equations: difference methods, methods of finite and boundary elements. In some cases, there are problems of reflecting the domain of a function when the domain has a complex shape or is multiply connected. The way out is to use distributed computing. The purpose of the authors' research is to develop a universal methodology for solving such problems that are invariant to the described processes and to the configuration of objects. A method is proposed for significantly reducing the estimated time through the use of distributed computing. In accordance with the peculiarities of the methodology, the entire area is divided into a finite number of local areas in which solutions are sought, provided that the solutions in the areas are joined. Approximation of the solution in the local area can be carried out by almost any function. The only limitation is the absence of breaks in the function and its derivatives. The shape of local areas can be of various sizes and configurations. Local areas can overlap each other. Boundary conditions can be implemented in local areas. An original method for iterative matching of solutions in adjacent local domains is proposed. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, a number of test problems were solved. The Poisson equation was solved for regions of different shapes. Good agreement between analytical and numerical solutions is obtained. A numerical study of the ship's hull rolling in an incompressible ideal fluid was also carried out. The problem of vertical oscillations of a rectangular contour in deep water was solved. The Laplace equation was solved.Various boundary conditions were used: a condition on the surface of an undisturbed liquid, non-reflecting conditions on vertical virtual boundaries, a condition on a horizontal virtual boundary simulating the condition on deep water. The consistency of the methodology was assessed by comparing the results of computational and full-scale experiments.
Article Details
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